Inpatient rehabilitation programs
Inpatient rehabilitation is suitable for patients who have functional disability and need the support of nursing care, particularly following recent illness or surgery. We also offer Palliative Care for Department of Veteran's Affairs patients.
Access to inpatient services
Access to Inpatient rehabilitation programs at Lady Davidson Private Hospital is available via referral.
Your GP, physician, surgeon, allied health professional will be able to assist you with obtaining a referral to a medical specialist who is accredited at the hospital and who can organise your admission.
To make a referral, please contact the Patient Intake Officer on 02 9488 0189 or ldhreferral@healthscope.com.au
This innovative program is specifically designed for those with a primary diagnosis of cancer.
The program will assist you and your family address the physical and psychological needs which may accompany the diagnosis of cancer and the resulting treatment, ensuring integration with oncological management and related treatment.
People who would benefit from this program are those who are:
- Post chemotherapy and require either improvement or maintenance of their physical well-being
- After radiotherapy to regain strength, mobility and stamina
- Those who are de=conditioned and want to re-establish their pre-treatment fitness
Benefits of the program
- A network with other people who are also affected by cancer
- Increased capacity to return to work, sport or leisure pursuits
- Improved ability to socialise, travel and take holidays
- Improved cardiovascular fitness
- Improved knowledge and understanding of cancer
- Improved overall strength and endurance
- Improved self-esteem and overall quality of life
- Strategies for completing everyday tasks without excessive fatigue.
Members of our experienced multidisciplinary team include the following health professionals:
- Clinical Pharmacist
- Dietitian
- Exercise Physiologist
- Rehabilitation Specialists and Medical Officer
- Occupational Therapist
- Physiotherapist
- Psychologist
- Rehabilitation Nurse
- Social Workers and Discharge Planner.
Program Aims
- Become part of a network with people also affected by cancer
- Develop strategies for completing everyday tasks without excessive fatigue or pain
- Improve capacity to return to work, sport or leisure pursuits
- Improve cardiovascular fitness, strength and endurance
- Improve self-esteem and overall quality of life
- Return to a meaningful and functional lifestyle with vitality and support.
We incorporate both exercise and education into our program, to ensure that when you complete the program, you have the knowledge and confidence to facilitate a smooth transition back to an independent lifestyle.
Program format
An individual 7-10 day inpatient program is tailored to the participants needs.
The program may consist of education and exercise sessions. The duration of these sessions is determined by your physical ability and level of de-conditioning and is therefore tailored as required.
Following discharge participants can continue their rehabilitation journey as a day patient.
The group program runs twice weekly for five weeks.
Cardiac rehabilitation is designed to educate, recondition and improve functional confidence with increased endurance for patients following cardiac pathology, or surgery. We offer a comprehensive rehabilitation service. The cardiac rehabilitation team, develop a tailored cardiac management plan tailored to your needs. These goals include:
- Maximising physical, psychological, and social recovery
- Minimising the progression of coronary artery disease
- Reducing risk factors and adopting a healthier lifestyle
- Successful return to work, home and recreational activities
Who would gain the most benefit from this program?
Patients who have recently had cardiac surgery, or who have been in hospital for, or require management of cardiac disease.
Members of our experienced multidisciplinary team include the following health professionals:
- Clinical Pharmacist
- Dieticians
- Discharge Planner
- Occupational Therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Rehabilitation Nurses
- Rehabilitation Physicians and Medical Officers
- Social Workers.
The Program
Each patient is assessed individually, and a team of health professionals develop a rehabilitation plan according to the individual's particular needs.
This program may include:
- Education about heart disease and eating for heart health
- Graded activity programs – to progressively increase general strength and endurance
- Information about medication management
- Occupational Therapy – learning and practicing ways to manage self-care in preparation for going home and safely resuming your daily routine
- Physiotherapy - exercise and education aimed at improving strength, function and mobility.
What is Lymphoedema?
Lymphoedema is due to a malfunction, abnormality or obstruction of the lymphatic system.
This results in an accumulation of lymph fluid and other elements (i.e. protein) in the tissues.
Symptoms can include one or more of the following:
- Heaviness
- Pain/aching
- Skin changes
- Swelling (oedema).
Causes of lymphoedema can include:
- Genetic abnormalities
- Infection
- Injury/trauma
- Radiotherapy following treatment of cancer to the lymph nodes
- Surgical removal of lymph nodes.
Treatment of Lymphoedema
The goal of treatment is to decrease oedema, improve lymphatic drainage and soften areas of dense oedema. This will increase mobility in the limb and relieve the associated symptoms of lymphoedema. Treatment involves:
- Compression pump
- Low level laser
- Compression bandaging and garments (as appropriate)
- Exercise
- Manual lymphatic drainage massage
- Skin hygiene.
Lipoedema is also treated using the above techniques.
Lymphoedema Program
The program is managed by a team of health professionals with postgraduate training in the management of lymphoedema. Initially, participants are assessed by the team and a tailored program is developed with the individual’s needs in mind. The program may involve:
- Assessment of the patient with lymphoedema, including the physical and psychological impact of the condition
- Complex Physical Therapy
- Education to assist the understanding and management of the condition
- Education on application and removal of compression garments
- Individualised home programs
- Measurement and fitting of compression garments
- Relaxation techniques
- Reviews and ongoing support.
Our program is designed for patients who may have disabilities resulting from a neurological illness or injury, including stroke, Parkinson's disease and many other neurological conditions.
Members of our experienced multidisciplinary team include the following health professionals:
- Clinical Pharmacist
- Dietitian
- Discharge Planner
- Occupational Therapist
- Physiotherapist
- Psychologist
- Rehabilitation Nurse
- Rehabilitation Physician and Medical Officers
- Speech Pathologist
- Social Worker.
You will be assessed by members of the team and an individual rehabilitation plan will be designed to meet your rehabilitation goals.
The team may wish to meet with you and your family from time to time to discuss your progress and plans for the future.
A physiotherapist with specialist training in neurological conditions will facilitate your program. The following aspects of your function will be addressed to help you meet your potential.
- Activities in lying, sitting and standing
- Balance training
- Bed mobility and transfers
- Flexibility and endurance training
- Reaching, grasping and manipulating everyday objects
- Walking and stair mobility.
Occupational therapy
Your occupational therapist will assess your ability and design a program that will help you return to your previous lifestyle.
The following areas will be addressed:
- Cognitive (thinking) and memory retraining
- Functional movement
- Home management skills e.g. cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc
- Leisure skills
- Work related skills.
Speech pathology
For those patients who are experiencing difficulties with communication or swallowing, a Speech Pathologist will be involved with your rehabilitation program. A specialised treatment program will focus on:
- Cognitive (thinking) and memory retraining
- Establishing a reliable means of communication
- Reading and writing
- Safe swallowing techniques and food modification if required
- Speech clarity.
You may be seen by the Dietician to ensure your nutritional needs are met and dietary intake is adequate.
Social Worker/ Discharge Planner
Your Social Worker will assist in referring you to community support agencies that can provide services.
The psychologist may become involved in your program to assist you to adjust to your new level of abilities.
The Lady Davidson Hospital orthopaedic rehabilitation program is designed to assist you in regaining your independence following surgery for hip or knee replacements, spinal surgery, trauma or fractures.
You will be under the care of a Rehabilitation Specialist and a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team. We offer a program designed to enhance your quality of life by improving your functional capacity.
The Program
Each patient is assessed individually, and a team of accredited health professionals develops a rehabilitation plan according to your individual needs.
This program may include:
- Physiotherapy - exercise & education aimed at improving strength, function & mobility
- Occupational Therapy – learning and practicing ways to manage self-care in preparation for going home and safely resuming your daily routine
- Hydrotherapy – exercise in warm, shallow water
Our experienced multidisciplinary team includes the following health professionals:
- Clinical Pharmacist
- Dietitian
- Discharge Planner
- Occupational Therapist
- Physiotherapist
- Psychologist
- Rehabilitation Nurse
- Rehabilitation Physician and Medical Officers
- Social Worker.
Pain is a vital protective mechanism of our body, indicating an unpleasant emotional and sensory experience associated with actual or potential damage.
Unfortunately in 20% of the population, pain persists when there is no further injury occurring.
Research has not revealed why pain persists, but recent studies show anatomical and physiological changes in the pain system.
The pain system has become sensitised, meaning it is hyper-vigilant and reacts to stimulus that is not normally painful. When persistent pain impacts on everyday life, affecting sleep, recreation, domestic tasks and work, intervention is required.
Program aims
The Pain Rehabilitation Program teaches self-management strategies that help decrease the impact of pain on your life, and gives you the confidence to engage with life in a more active and meaningful way.
The program may involve
- Graded, gentle exercise aimed to improve your physical functioning
- Education on pain management strategies
- Support to gain the ability to integrate all these strategies into daily functional activities in the workplace and home
- Providing emotional support as required
What is involved?
Various programs are available. These programs may be in groups with others with similar goals, individual programs, or a combination of both.
Members of our experienced multidisciplinary team include the following health professionals:
- Dietitian
- Rehabilitation Specialists and Medical Officer
- Physiotherapist
- Exercise Physiologist
- Psychologist
- Occupational Therapist
- Rehabilitation Nurse
- Social Workers and Discharge Planner
- Clinical Pharmacist
Your program will be designed to utilise some of the activities below depending on your individual needs:
- Hydrotherapy
- Medication and sleep education
- Movement and posture re-education
- Relaxation
Additional services and activities are available.
This program is specifically designed for individuals who have recently suffered an acute illness or have become deconditioned following surgery and are having difficulty managing daily tasks.
Your program will include graded exercise aimed at:
- Regaining optimum levels of independence
- Restoring mobility and fitness.
Members of our experienced multidisciplinary team include the following health professionals:
- Clinical Pharmacist
- Dietitian
- Exercise Physiologist
- Occupational Therapist
- Physiotherapist
- Psychologist
- Rehabilitation Nurse
- Rehabilitation Specialists and Medical Officer
- Social Workers and Discharge Planner.